Why spend on the proposed road to Ambler when maintenance budgets for existing roads are being cut?

“Why has Gov. Walker authorized the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority to spend an additional $3.6 million on the proposed Ambler Road while cutting $3.2 million from the Department of Transportation’s northern region maintenance budget of our existing roads, including the Steese Highway to Circle?

The road to Ambler is unwanted by the vast majority of the residents of both the Koyukuk and Kobuk valleys. AIDEA does not have a legal right-of-way from the Dalton Highway west across Evansville Inc. land. AIDEA’s new route proposal to avoid Evansville land by going through Doyon land would require an act of Congress to get across the Gates of the Arctic National Park wilderness…”

Read the full letter to the editor here: Road maintenance cuts

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